Would you like to visit the European Parliament at any time and see how political decisions are made? No problem with VR Europe. The app, which recently won the World Media Award, combines virtual reality and interaction in a unique way. Thanks to state-of-the-art 360° video technology, users can look into important fields of action of the European Union and experience decision-making processes of international politics up close.
immersive entertainment
immersive entertainment
With Virtual and Augmented Reality you have completely new worlds with incredible possibilities. By using the technology of the future, you can immerse yourself in films and video sequences and experience them instead of just seeing them.
These new worlds also offer countless exciting possibilities for advertising. Let your customers immerse themselves in your brand world and turn your brand into an experience. Turn yourself into a medium and arouse very special emotions. No matter whether advertising films or image films; we produce unique entertainment products.
interactive and emotional bonding
Through exciting 360° films and documentaries, you are (inter)actively in the middle of it, instead of just taking part. Therefore we offer you unforgettable 360° experiences as well as 3D animations. Increase the emotional connection and use the strong effect of Immersion for your company. We call this ‘immersive entertainment’.
Experience the unique timmersive entertainment projects and dive into new worlds, full of exciting possibilities for your company.
Values partly consciously, but mostly also unconsciously affect the way we live together in society. This exciting VR application helps us to bring you closer to different views on various values in an impressive way.
More than four million Germans are affected by depression and about 10,000 people take their own lives every year. Not only because of these shocking numbers, but also because of the many individual fates of countless people, the topic deserves more attention!
This unique type of training should enable C-level employees as well as department heads to train their communication skills and deepen them in the virtual reality worlds. Thus, high-ranking employees and managers are trained in the best possible way and learn to communicate interactively better.
Even beyond VR and AR projects timmersive is your reliable partner when it comes to digital media. Especially in the last few years a supposedly old medium is experiencing genuine hype. Podcasts are on everyone's lips and offer listeners around the world numerous advantages. Just under a quarter of all Germans listened to podcasts regularly in 2019. Both the number of listeners and the number of podcasts continue to rise. In 2019 alone, 10,000 new podcasts were added.
ViRtual Water is an exciting and unique VR experience. In an instructive and at the same time playful way, you dive into the spheres of virtual water. This describes the indirect and even actual water consumption used in the production of products. For example, 1,000 liters of water are used in the production or extraction of one liter of milk. A single cup of coffee contains a whole 250 liters of water.
With professional and high-quality 360° videos from timmersive, you stand out from your competitors in recruiting. They offer your job seekers an impressive experience which they will always associate with you.
beem.team is the world's first children's portal for secure virtual and augmented reality content. In addition to our own child-friendly formats, we also offer external 360° film producers the opportunity to publish their content for children and young people via our platform.