Unique learning experience with ViRtual Water
ViRtual Water is an exciting and unique VR experience. In an instructive and at the same time playful way, you dive into the spheres of virtual water. This describes the indirect and even actual water consumption used in the production of products. For example, 1,000 liters of water are used in the production or extraction of one liter of milk. A single cup of coffee contains a whole 250 liters of water.

In ViRtual Water, you’ll not only learn about the water consumption of your daily coffee. You will also learn and experience the water consumption of various everyday products in an impressive way. As this is a VR Experience, you will really experience the water quantities used for product production. This gives you a much better feeling of how much water is actually indirectly contained in a product.

With our VR application, you move around in a virtual supermarket. Using a shopping list, it is your task to put different products in your shopping cart. This sounds like a normal supermarket shopping trip; however, with every product you put in your cart, more and more water will flood into the supermarket. So it is literally up to you how much the supermarket is flooded.
So think carefully before you put products in the cart. Many foods have alternatives that require less virtual water during the production process. For example, the water used to produce oat milk is much less than that used for normal whole milk.
True to the motto of the VR application, “stay dry – or die,” your goal is to get to the checkout without drowning. On your walk through the water-flooded supermarket aisles, you will learn in a unique way about the water consumption that goes into the manufacturing of your everyday products.