VR bubbles
VR bubbles – The Virtual Reality App for a more respectful coexistence
Values partly consciously, but mostly also unconsciously affect the way we live together in society. This exciting VR application helps us to bring you closer to different views on various values in an impressive way. In summer 2020, our interactive 360° application was honored with the Integration Award 2020 by the State Chancellery of Lower Saxony through Minister President Stephan Weil as well as the State Commissioner for Migration and Participation, Doris Schröder-Köpf.
In VR bubbles, workshop participants* not only get to know their own values and their origins better, but also receive an insight into other value concepts. Swap into a unique 360° world and meet new people and other perspectives. Together you will experience a completely new kind of empathy and find out what really makes a respectful coexistence.

Different perspectives on intercultural values with VR Bubbles
Within the app you will encounter values not only through exciting stories, but also hip hop and rap in an innovative 360° application. Following the motto “Out of your bubble into VR!”, the application breaks down boundaries in the mind and opens up space for more tolerance, open-mindedness and community.
The VR bubbles app, which has won several awards, was sponsored by the state of Lower Saxony and the city of Hanover and links intercultural training with virtual reality. In cooperation with the association IKJA e.V. we want to encourage young people to reflect on their own values through this project. By dealing with their own values we establish a democratic and peaceful coexistence.

VR bubbles is the convergence of virtual reality and intercultural training
The innovative VR application is applied in the framework of workshops on respectful coexistence. Thus it is both an app and an intercultural training. It is this unique combination of fun and learning which makes the application so unique.
Especially young people shall be addressed with this innovative, intercultural 360° App. To achieve this, the association IKJA e.V. uses the App VR bubbles for intercultural training. The app is an exciting way to communicate values in class, in seminars or at home. Respectful interaction and intercultural coexistence will no longer be taught only as theoretical concepts, but as memorable experiences.
timmersive assists you to convey knowledge and values in trainings with the help of immersive 360° videos, AR and VR. Simply get in touch with us.