VR Europe – LET’S VOTE
Experience politics first hand
Would you like to visit the European Parliament at any time and see how political decisions are made? No problem with VR Europe. The app, which recently won the World Media Award, combines virtual reality and interaction in a unique way. Thanks to state-of-the-art 360° video technology, users can look into important fields of action of the European Union and experience decision-making processes of international politics up close.

Political interest and understanding thanks to virtual reality
Enthusiasm for European politics is often limited, especially among young adults. The decision-making processes in Brussels simply seem too complicated and too far away, while politicians don’t seem very approachable. This is exactly where the VR Europe app comes into play, which we developed together with TVN CORPORATE MEDIA and the European Information Center Lower Saxony. With a click on the download button, it offers interested individuals a low-threshold and highly modern opportunity to virtually travel to Brussels and get to know all the institutions of the EU. In 360° mode, users can enter the European Parliament in Brussels, virtually sit in the plenary chamber and learn within just 20 minutes how laws are passed in Europe.
For example, they can see first-hand how the European Directive on the prevention of plastic waste is passed – an exciting topic for politics lessons that now reaches students on a whole new level. In the school package, teachers will therefore also find extensive teaching materials. In order to provide even more detailed information, show tangible examples, and create an even more personal connection between users and European politics, we are currently implementing additional variants of VR Europe for various German states: Being beamed from Düsseldorf to Brussels and finding out which important issues affect your own federal state in particular and who makes decisions for the residents here – VR Europe NRW offers all of this, for example.
The aim of the app is to get young adults interested in politics, to explain complex issues in a way that is easy to understand, and to motivate students to take a closer look at political issues and get involved themselves.

A holistically impressive experience
The virtual trip really sticks in the mind when the smartphone can be used with a VR headset for the all-round experience. If students and other interested individuals insert the smartphone with the app into a cardboard or plastic headset and also use headphones, they can immerse themselves completely in the political events and feel as if they were actually there live. And all this at a manageable cost.
By the way, the European Parliament is not the only place where VR applications can be used to provide interactive and vivid explanations. Interactive 360° videos are also wonderfully suitable for training, onboarding and much more. Just contact us and discover all the possibilities of VR!